Water Damaged Hardwood Floors

Water Damaged Hardwood Floors Hardwood floors are one of the top choices for many businesses today. They are easy to clean, low maintenance, and enhance the aesthetics of your property. Additionally, with the proper care and maintenance, they can last longer than other floors. One thing to keep in mind with the care of hardwood […]
Plan Ahead With Express Recovery

Plan ahead with express recovery Express Restoration understands how critical it is for businesses to resume regular operations after a disaster. Our team will help you customize an emergency preparedness and response plan. The Express Recovery™ program includes a thorough building assessment and walk-through to help you identify risks, create a plan, educate employees, and […]
Water Damage Emergency Tips!

Water damage emergency tips! When dealing with water damage, immediate action is vital. Water damage can lead to expensive repairs and potential disruption of your building’s operations. It also creates an environment for mold, mildew, and other dangerous bacteria to grow which impacts the safety of your employees and guests. If the issue isn’t addressed […]